From web audit, design and build to content management.

I think the very first website I designed was for Harvey Nichols over 25 years ago, built using the now redundant software ‘Flash’, by some troglodyte wizard working nights, surviving off Dominoes pizzas and a surplus supply of 2 litre bottles of cola, long before health & wellbeing were a thing. 

Since then, I have continued designing flagship websites for all types of businesses and initiatives, from corporate enterprises, holiday parks, NGOs in the South America and Africa continents and for professional individuals including education consultants, healers and psychotherapists. I get to learn a lot of different things in my job though for some odd reason I still remain hopeless at pub quizzes!

Today, websites are undoubtedly a central asset for just about any organisation. They have in many cases supplanted the need for corporate brochures and business cards and have accelerated marketing outputs, sales, and stakeholder engagement, while also contributing to brand credibility.

Any well-designed and well-maintained website is undoubtedly a valuable asset that can help businesses thrive and provide opportunities for important initiatives to gain a following and a platform to get their message heard.